The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

5 surprising reasons why Photography is a lot like Weight Loss

Last Monday before setting off for our Spring Clean Detox retreat at Dorset I attended a photography workshop run by KerryJPhotography. If you have been on our website or our Facebook page you will have seen the gorgeous pictures that Kerry took for us of real Body Retreat clients on real retreats. When we heard that Kerry was running a photography course for small business “Your camera means business” we were super keen to dust off the old SLR that dutifully comes on every retreat with us…but never quite makes it out of the camera bag. This workshop was specifically designed to help business just like ours, for whom capturing images of what we do, where we do it and who we do it with is an important part of our marketing message..

I arrived at the training day armed with my trusty camera and my desire to create images what would make David Bailey sigh with amazement. Despite having owned the camera for years now I had (of course) never read the manual and so had never turned the dial past Auto. I was very much a point & shoot kind of photographer, but I was also a very frustrated photographer at my inability to take a decent photograph, after all it looks so simple. You point the lens at the thing you want a photo of and you press the button …right? Well it never seemed to work for me. That was all about to change.

Over the course of a fun, practical but very informative day Kerry explained the hows and whys of our cameras, how they see light, how to compose a picture, not only how to take a picture but how to take a picture that means something. At the end of the day my head was buzzing with all the new “stuff” I had just learned. Before we left Kerry gave us a goody bag which had amongst its delights a workbook of the days notes, a small laminated crib card to remind you how to set up the picture and an ideas book to encourage us to put into practice all that we had learnt.

I went off into the day a novice photographer and straight into Spring Clean Detox Retreat and the perfect opportunity to try out my new skills. So, I made a conscious decision that I would take at least one picture every day while on retreat… and I mean a proper picture, using my new flegdling skills. Morning one and we have Ruby Red Juice for breakfast, my first test subject. I served the ladies then snuck a couple of extra juices to the spa area to compose my shot. Instinct was telling me to just put the glasses down, take the picture and get on with my day, it had been less than 24 hours since I finished training but I couldn’t quite remember what the steps were. I fiddled with the glasses, moved the fruit props, twiddled the dials on the camera… but all the pictures didn’t look right. I was frustrated and it crossed my mind that it was time to give up …or maybe it was time to get the goody bag out, take out the workbook and crib sheet and go through the steps I had been taught! And guess what…RESULT!!

Ruby Red Detox Juice

Spurred on by this success there was no stopping me and my camera, piles of veggies…snap, cups of tea…snap, bowls of soup..snap. Then after a couple of days I decided it was time to venture outside. So armed with my invaluable crib card and camera I set of with Bella for a walk around the farm to be inspired.

It was while I was lying on my belly on the ground in a field taking a picture of some daffodils that it struck me that photography is a lot like weight loss. Bear with me here 😉

We get ladies who join us on Weight Loss Retreat who come armed with a history of dieting and the desire to finally make it work. They have been trying to figure out how to make it happen for ages… perhaps even years. They may even have read a couple of manuals and there may even have been times when they hit the jackpot and one of the diets paid off (in the short term) but they are not able to replicate that success. In the same way that I thought photography was “point & shoot” these ladies think that loosing weight is “eat less & move more”, thats what they want it to be. Because that sounds simple. But the trouble with these simple solutions is that they don’t provide consistent results, results that make you happy and so you become a frustrated dieter.

On Weight Loss Retreat, there is an opportunity to learn a little bit about the hows and whys of weight management for women. To learn some new steps and behaviours to support a better outcome, to practice these new steps in a safe, fun and supportive environment and then just like me at the end of my photography day there is a tangible result, I took a couple of pictures I was really happy with (guided by Kerry of course), for the ladies on the weight loss retreat its pounds and inches shed that is the result.

Then the retreat ends and the ladies return home with a goody bag with new recipes and a crib card for on the go nutrition amongst other goodies. But just like my first photography shoot after the course, the first couple of days back in the real world and their instincts are telling them that its too difficult, its too time consuming… just get on with your day.

This was what struck me as I lay in that field and I am by no means a lie on ground type of woman, Im not the most patient of women either. But here I was enjoying putting my new skills into practice and I was enjoying the results these moments of putting myself outside my normal comfort zone gave me. But just a couple of days before, when I took my first photographs, it was almost back to “Point & Shoot”. I had almost wasted the new skills I had learnt, but something inside me stopped me and I made myself take a little extra time, get the tools I had been given to support me, practice taking pictures and not expect that the first picture taken is going to the the winning shot.

So you see photography is a lot like weight loss

1. “If you do what you always did, you get what you always got”, it may be time to acknowledge that you need to change your old behaviours.

2. You need a little bit of knowledge upon which to base your new behaviours, when you know why you are doing something it makes it much easier to keep going.

3. You need to use the tools and resources you are given.

4. You are going to need to practice your new skills at home, and through practices soon it becomes easier and easier until it becomes just the way you do things.

5. You need to relax. Stress makes you take bad pictures, some how the camera seems to know you are tense and frustrated, when you are relaxed and enjoying it, result! Likewise when you are stressed your body will hold onto that extra weight.

At The Body Retreat we make sure that our ladies leave all our retreats armed with the best possible skills and resources so that when that “its too difficult” voice raises its head they have the skills, the strength and the patience to keep going.

Im certainly keen to keep up the photography practice, hoping to make it from veggies and flowers and maybe on the next retreat, when I’ve practiced more I might even take a picture of retreater 🙂

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We would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment below letting us know what you think about this story.

P.s all the lying on the ground in the daffodils was so worth it when I was photo bombed by Bella 😉


Healthy Habits for a Good Nights Sleep Every Night!

How are you sleeping?

According to a recent national sleep survey, women are more likely to suffer from long term poor sleep.

The worst effect of poor sleep isn’t how we feel at night – it’s how it affects us during the day, both physically and emotionally.

Long-term poor sleepers are 7 times more likely to feel helpless than good sleepers and 5 times more likely to feel alone, but also twice as likely to have relationship problems, suffer daytime fatigue and lack of concentration.

How well you have slept at night has a big influence over how well you feel during the next day, likewise your daily habits and routines can have a big influence on how well you sleep at night. But which comes first, sleeping well at night or feeling well by day?

At The Body Retreat we see a lot of women for whom a great nights sleep; the kind where you drift off naturally, sleep right through and then wake refreshed, has become a dim and distant memory. Sleep is often the first casualty of stress and as women being particularly good at coping, we adjust to the lack of sleep, create new strategies for getting through the day, not surprising that we tend to suffer more long term poor sleep.

But good sleep is a healthy habit that is more in your control than you might think.

The Body Retreat’s Seven Secrets for Sound Slumber

1. Sync your natural sleep cycle
If you keep a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, you will feel much more refreshed and energized than if you sleep the same number of hours at different times. Most of us will need about 7 hours sleep each night, so work out what cycle works for you, 11pm – 6.00am, 12.00pm – 7.00am etc etc … remember thats hours of sleep so you will need to be in bed and settled before the pm time. Find what works for your body and then stick to it at least for 3 weeks to set your internal clock.

2. Balance your melatonin
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is controlled by light exposure. Your brain should secrete more in the evening to make you sleepy, and less during the day when you want to stay awake and alert. However, many aspects of modern life, strip lighting in offices, back lit reading devices for example can disrupt your body’s natural production of melatonin and with it your sleep-wake cycle. Getting natural light (without sunglasses) during the day is essential, even if its only for 15 mins, then keep your bedroom dark when you turn in for the night, so no tv, no iPad, no laptops and close the curtains or blinds to block out street lights.

3. Review your bedtime routine
Make a consistent effort to relax and unwind for about an hour before you turn in for bed, you will sleep easier and more deeply. A peaceful bedtime routine sends a powerful signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down and let go of the day’s stresses.
Take a bath, light some candles, listen to an audio book, find what works for you.

4. Turn your bedroom into a boudoir
Your bedroom should be kept for rest and romance and not for daytime actives like work or shopping. When you open your bedroom door what you see should sending a very powerful signal to your brain that rest is on its way. Teat yourself to some lovely new bedding so that you can experience that new sheet feeling, removing pictures of friends and family so that they don’t jog your memory of outstanding errands or worries, keep the space neutral but warm and inviting. Feng shui suggest that skin tone colours help to rebalance energy while you sleep but you may prefer to have a colour that matches your personal energy. Not sure what this is, look in your wardrobe and see what colour you wear most…note…BLack and white are non colours 😉

5. Impose a 2 hour curfew on eating and exercising pre bedtime
Your daytime eating and exercise habits play a huge role in how well you sleep. It’s particularly important to watch what you put in your body in the hours leading up to your bedtime. You should plan to eat light and early, leaving at least 2 hours between the meal and your bedtime. Likewise avoid undertaking strenuous exercise in those last couple of hours as this will raise your cortisol levels which in turn can delay sleep. Relaxing exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching can help promote sleep.

6. Master Mindful Moments
Residual stress, worry, and anger from your day can make it very difficult to sleep well. Practicing relaxation techniques before bed is a great way to wind down, calm the mind, and prepare for sleep. Begin to allow your focus to shift onto your breath, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. Breathing slowly and deeply, the sound of your inhales and exhales can be a lullaby to sooth you into slumber.

7. Relax
There may be nights when sleep does not come easily but don’t panic, that will only delay the process further. Give yourself a break. So what if you’re having a sleepless night? It’s not the end of the world. By thinking, I can’t sleep. I’m going to be worthless tomorrow,’ you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Relax and trust that there will be plenty of sleep-filled nights in your near future and go back to point 6.

If stress is keeping you awake, you may need help with stress management. By learning how to handle stress in a productive way, and maintain a calm, positive outlook, you’ll be able to sleep better at night. Why not join us at our next Stress Reset Retreat and experience for yourself how the the habit of sleep can be mastered.

Hopefully you have found this article useful, we would love to hear from you, so please leave us a comment in the box at the bottom of the page.

Our top 3 tips to Enjoy rather than Endure Exercise

When you hear the words exercise or work out do they fill you with a sense of dread? Is exercise always on your “to do list” but some how it never makes it to the top of the list?

You are not alone.

We often meet women, either on our retreats or in private practice, who tell us that they just don’t have enough time to exercise, or that they just flat out don’t want to. Some women tell us that in the past they had managed to lose weight by following a diet alone not be exercising, they counted calories, or grams of fat, it worked then, but since then it never seems to get the same result. They approach us at The Body Retreat hoping to find a new diet that will allow them to lose weight and not need to exercise. Thats not what we are about at The Body Retreat. All our events are based on 4 elements, Behaviour, Nutrition, Exercise and R&R and a balance in all four areas is needed to optimise health for life. We are not about quick fix weight loss at The Body Retreat, so there is no miracle diet here.

Funnily enough though, the NHS refers to exercise as “the miracle cure we have always had, but neglected to take” that is because research has proven that regular exercise reduces your risk of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes by up to 50%. For women it is also important for bone health and for reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise is also incredibly important for mental health as it prompts the release of dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine and serotonin.

However, despite the evidence to support the benefits of exercise, for some women, it can still languish at the bottom of the to do list. Despite their best intentions some women just don’t want to work out, don’t want to run or join a gym. And that makes perfect sense. We naturally move towards the things we want or desire and move away from things that will cause us pain or discomfort, we are biologically designed to do this, this is how we have evolved and survived. Lets be honest, who is going to make time to do something they hate?

So, how do you get the great health benefits of exercise if you are really turned off by it? Can you really make exercise something you love to do not need to do?

Well lets start with the terminology, when you hear the word exercise or working out, what images come to mind, is it sweaty gym bunnies on spin bikes, or perhaps its beefy boys lifting weights at the gym, or maybe even lycra clad ladies on impossibly thin bicycles. If those images leave you cold then you are not alone. The important thing here is to find what fits for you, and most importantly to do something that you enjoy, something that you find a pleasure, then you will truly make time to take part rather than find time to make excuse not to.

How do you find out what you might enjoy doing? First, ask yourself some questions. Ask yourself if you want to be indoors or would you prefer to be outside, do you want to join a group or team or do you prefer to be alone. Next start by googling what’s available near you, looking for exercise classes or specialist gyms or groups. Most will be delighted to answer any questions you may have and even offer a free initial visit to see what you make of the environment, people and the event itself. You might consider attending a residential retreat where you can sample a wide range of activities for yourself. At The Body Retreat we offer a wide range of events to suit all lifestyles and activity levels. For example our Dance & Tone Weekend offers a wide range of dance classes such as Fitsetps, Zumba, Ballet Conditioning, Bokwa to name but a few mixed with walking and toning class like pilates, yoga and even kettlebelltone. In this way you can discover for yourself what you might like to take up permanently. But most importantly the muscle we exercise the most at our retreat are your facial muscles as we guarantee that you will have a great time, you will laugh, a lot.

Our TOP 3 TIPS for women to move from Enduring to Enjoying Exercise

1. Fake it Till you Make it.
If you have lead a very sedentary lifestyle in recent years then any new activity or exercise plan that you begin to follow will seem a little difficult at first, its bound to as you discover muscles that you haven’t used for a while or perhaps didn’t know even existed 🙂 But don’t give up, what you tell yourself has a tremendous influence over how you feel, so rather that tell yourself how sore you are feeling and how bad that is, turn it on its head and tell yourself instead how good it feels to have used your muscles and that how each time you use them they will get stronger and stronger. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

2. Go Shopping.
This may seem very superficial, but having new shiny bright trainers, a new sport bra that holds everything up and in the right position or even a new colourful t-shirt can give you the most amazing boost and make the overall experience a better one. So treat yourself to a few new items and you will lift your motivation to get out there and use them.

3. Phone a friend.
More specifically phone a friend and ask them to join you. Having a date set with a friend to go to a class or out for a jog or whatever activity you choose can mean that you are more likely to get up and go than if it is just a date in your own diary. You are doing the exercise for yourself but why not make it fun, have a catch up, support each other. While at the same time every time you go you make the habit of going stronger and stronger and before you know it… you enjoy it.. you look forward to going.

Whatever the reason to exercise, wether that be to lose weight, to shape up, to improve your health or to protect your body for life, there are numerous reasons to be more active in life. So perhaps it’s time to stop accepting the excuse of “I don’t have time to….” and instead make the time to find something you really enjoy doing. Time that could well be the best investment you can make for your health and wellbeing.

Would you like to join us at our next Dance & Tone Weekend and try a wide variety of classes and activities to see for yourself how it is possible to enjoy exercise then book now


5 Ways to Detox your Mind

The connection between mind and body has been acknowledged for a long time, but we can often forget that how we think can affect how we feel just as much as how we feel impacts our thoughts. Thoughts become Actions, Actions become Behaviours and Behaviours become Habits.

At The Body Retreat all our programmes have behavioural change programmes at their heart, this is because we are committed to supporting women achieve long lasting results, whether that be weight loss, improved fitness, reduce stress or detox body and mind from harmful toxins.

The mind can store harmful toxins in much the same way as the body, negative thoughts , self sabotaging thoughts, critical inner voice can all impact your overall health and wellbeing and so it can be helpful from time to time to make a concious effort to detox the mind.

Try these 5 Mind Detox Techniques 

Detox News Time

Yes there is a lot going on in the world right now, but ask yourself the question is it helpful to you right now to spend hours watching or reading the news?
Here’s the problem with consuming too much news. It causes our mind to think further and deeper about the topic that we read or hear about. Normally that’s not a bad thing but sometimes it can send your mind to a worrisome place after hearing of all the uncertainty in the world. So this week, ditch the news until the weekend and see for yourself the difference that can make to how you feel.

Detox the Overthinking

Are you a ruminator? Do ideas and thoughts go round and round in your head, distracting you from the job at hand or preventing you form getting to sleep at night? If yes then perhaps its time to stop overthinking? Instead make time every day this week to be mindful, being mindful helps to training your brain to be present in just that moment and can help to turn off the overthinking switch.

Detox those Self-Sabotaging Behaviours

Are you seeing the same destructive patterns again and again? Do you find yourself behaving in a way that is not congruent with the goals that you want, or even with the person that you want to be? It can be hard to shift from self sabotaging behaviours, but the first step is to recognise the behaviour for what it is, it is just behaviour, it doesn’t have to define you… unless you let it. So spend a little time to get clear about what the behaviour actual is, that in turn can lead to what is driving the behaviour. It really helps to write your thoughts down as you go through this process.

Detox your Calendar

Do you control your calendar or has it begun to control you? Do you find yourself saying yes to every event, every meeting? Even those meetings that may not be of benefit to you? If this is you then this week make a commitment to yourself to block out at least three 15 minute “Time for Me” slots. Then use that time to do something for yourself, it might be read a magazine, indulge in some online shopping or maybe even just sit in the garden and enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit. Reclaiming even a small amount of time for yourself sends a signal to yourself and others that you are worthy of your own time.

Detox your Bank Balance

Are you buying happiness? Do you often treat yourself to expensive little things? Are you spending money trying to make yourself happy? Take a look back through last months bank or credit card statement and see what you spent your money on, beyond the necessary household expenses and bills etc Are there items on there that would fall into this category? It’s a cliché but its true the best things in life are free, hugs form your children, a compliment from your partner, having a laugh with friends. Is it time to spend more in these areas?

Would you like to understand more about how you can detox your mind from self- sabotaging behaviours, negative chatter or limiting beliefs?

Why not join us on our Detox Retreat and see for yourself how you can adopt new healthy behaviours to support you achieve your goals.

If this has been helpful or interesting then please support us by sharing this article through your choice of social media, you will find all the buttons to the side or below.

Best Ever Blueberry Pancakes

These pancakes are always a crowd pleaser, I never cook any other version now. These really are the best pancakes ever.

At The Body Retreat we are always looking for ways to make every day recipes healthier, here we use porridge oats to provide a filling pancake sweetened only with blueberries (although we do like a little drizzle of syrup to serve), these pancakes will keep you full all morning until your morning snack. I usually have frozen blueberries in the house, so I have the ingredients to make these pancakes at any time, but Pancake Day is a great reason to give them a try.

Gluten, Dairy and Sugar Free Blueberry Pancakes
Makes about 10 good size pancakes or six very generous ones
  • 2 tablespoon Buckwheat flour
  • 1 cup porridge oats (rough)
  • 1 cup blueberries (mash up a few to release a bit of juice)
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup Almond milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch salt
  • 2 tablespoons rapeseed oil

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, add the mashed blueberries (saving few back for presentation)
Add the egg yolk and a good slug of milk, you are looking for a sturdy but gloopy batter mix (Due to the oats this will be much thicker than normal batter mix)
In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites
Fold the egg whites into the with metal spoon or fork so as not to knock the air out, this will loosen the mixture slightly.

Heat a tablespoon light rapeseed oil in a frying pan and using a large serving spoon to drop in a dollop of batter. I usually cook three at a time. The batter dosnt tend to run too far and once it meets the heat they start to set. Give it about two mins per side and then using a fish slice flip over and two mins on the other side.

I serve mine with the remaining blueberries a dollop of natural yog and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Start to finish this gorgeous recipe only takes about ten mins.

Id love to hear what you think about these pancakes and how you get on making them 🙂 xx