The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

Start embracing change today

There has been a lot of change at The Body Retreat recently and it shows little sign of slowing down right now. We are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our retreats give not only the best results but also the best retreat experience any woman could wish for. But despite the fact that we are choosing to make these changes there are times when it can feel a bit overwhelming.

It got me thinking about the nature of change. Change is part of everyday life and yet we can often find change challenging.

Think about it, change is inevitable. At this very moment, for instance, your body and cells are changing. The earth, economy, technology, how we do business, and even how we communicate is changing.

You can choose to resist the changes that are always afoot and ultimately be swept away by them. Or you can choose to coöperate with change, adapt to change, and benefit from change.

Change, of any type or through any stage in life, is often looked upon as frightening. If, however, change is embraced with a positive attitude, seen as an opportunity or a chance to live with greater excitement and fulfillment, then moving through a change brings many benefits.

How can we embrace change? It actually pretty simple and easy – it begins by accepting that life is a journey of discovery and that change is part of that journey. Most people know this, yet change is still scary. Why?

The reason is simple really – once someone has become comfortable with the way things work they naturally find it hard to embrace something different

Remember, if you keep doing things in the same way you have done, expect the same result. Start embracing change today. Adopt an open mind, move outside your comfort zone. Look at the change not as a threat to your current situation, but as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Once you get started, you will find change is full of amazing opportunities and the change to need or want to make might just be the Secret to Success!

At The Body Retreat we help clients focus on the changes they want or need to make, then we work together to identify the behaviours that help them to maintain the change for good.