The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

Caramel Latte Smoothie

How does an avid lifelong coffee hater go about creating the perfect Latte Smoothie?

Co-founder Juls was playing around with new ideas for Weight Loss Retreat and was looking to add in some new smoothie recipes for the afternoon snack that was based on store cupboard/ freezer ingredients.

In trialling the mix without the coffee, it just felt too sweet, so adding a little coffee for bitterness just seems to make sense.

Now at TBR we advocate going caffeine free from about 2pm (you know that coffee has a half-life of up to 8 hours don’t you?), so to get the flavour she wanted Juls looked to Clipper Organic Decaf .At just 0.1% caffeine and water filtered it has no added nasty chemicals found in most decafs, this is a winning combo.

The maca powder gives the caramel flavour, along with the date and it also gives a boost of natural energy, perfect for warding off the afternoon slump.

This Carmel Latte Smoothie is so good that even coffee haters like Juls are converted. Give it and go and let us know what you think?

Green Liver Detox Smoothie ingredients

Ingredients – serves 1 x 250ml 

  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 large medjool date
  • 200 ml plant milk
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseed
  • 1/2 tsp Maca
  • 1/2 tsp decaf coffee made up with a tablespoon of boiling water and allow to cool

Blitz and enjoy!

Hearty Winter Greens Stew

A hearty winter greens stew is great for lunch or dinner on a winter’s day. Imagine coming home for a brisk winter’s walk and looking forward to tucking into this when you come home (if you make it before you go out even better!)

The stew is packed with protein from the lentils, the bright green peas, and the dark green leafy vegetables. I used green puy lentils, as these hold their shape better than others which can go mushy. Leafy dark greens are an excellent source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Our body’s need a little fat to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins contained in these leafy greens, so I’ve added a drizzle of olive oil.

Add the leafy greens at the end of the cooking until just wilted, otherwise they will lose their vibrant green colour. A squeeze of lemon and a sprig of fresh dill lightens the whole dish. Enjoy this stew whole and chunky or chunky smooth!

Winter green vegetable broth ingredients

Ingredients – Serves 4, makes about 2 Li

Time approx 30-45 min

  • 750ml to1li Li boiling water 
  • 2tsp vegetable bouillon 
  • 2 medium potatoes – diced
  • 1/2 cauliflower – chopped into florets
  • 1/2 broccoli – chopped into florets
  • 1 medium onion -diced
  • 3 cloves garlic -crushed 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp oil for frying
  • 150 green puy lentils -cooked
  • 1 handful curly kale -chopped
  • 3 leaves dark kale -chopped 
  • 1 handful spinach 
  • 150g frozen peas -defrosted
  • 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • fresh dill plus some for serving
  • drizzle olive oil for serving


  1. Wash and simmer the lentils (20-30 min according to instructions) in water a separate pan, drain and put to one side.
  2. Gently fry the onion and garlic in a little oil in a large pan.
  3. Add the following ingredients to the pan; bouillon, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, salt and pepper, add enough boiling water to cover the ingredients. Stir, bring back to the boil and allow to simmer until the potatoes have softened (about 15-20 min).
  4. Stir in the rest of the ingredients; kale, curly kale, spinach, defrosted peas, lemon juice, fresh dill and cooked lentils, cover and simmer for a further 5 minutes, allowing the leaves to wilt.
  5. You can either ladle straight into bowls for a thick hearty broth, or blend with your blender until smooth. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil, sprig of fresh dill and cracked pepper. Enjoy!

Green Liver Detox Smoothie

I’m starting the New Year with a green liver detox smoothie recipe to help cleanse any over-indulgence we may have consumed over the past few festive weeks.

There’s nothing like a nutrient-rich green zingy smoothie, packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help support your body’s natural detoxification system and liver function.

Spinach forms the base of this green smoothie, it is high in chlorophyll, which can neutralize heavy metals. Spinach is usually a good green smoothie ingredient because the flavour is milder than other greens like chard and kale. Parsley contains a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, all of which support healthy liver function. Parsley, along with other fresh herbs, is known for its liver support.

I’ve added walnuts and avocado for a hit of healthy protein and fat.  Walnuts help the liver detoxify ammonia and are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep the liver clean. The avocado gives the smoothie a creamy texture and help make the smoothie more satisfying.

Lemon juice and pineapple have beneficial effects on the liver because they help break down toxins in the liver and body. Ginger can cleanse the body by stimulating digestion and support the cleansing the build-up of waste and toxins in the liver.

Blend together all the ingredients in a blender to make a nourishing and delicious breakfast, lunch, or snack. Enjoy!

Green Liver Detox Smoothie ingredients

Ingredients – serves 1 x 250ml 

  • 1 large handful of fresh spinach
  • 2 sprigs of parsley
  • 30g walnuts
  • ¼ avocado
  • ½ juice of lemon 
  • 1 cm fresh ginger 
  • 40 g fresh pineapple
  • 200 ml coconut water

Green Liver Detox Smoothie

Buckwheat blinis with salmon & crème fraiche

Its time for something a little festive, these blinis topped with salmon and crème fraiche are light and delicious and can be served as a canapé pre lunch or dinner, you could even have them for breakfast on Christmas day. The blinis are gluten free and could be made dairy free by using a plant based alternative crème fraiche.

The blini bases can be made in advance and frozen, simply allow them them to defrost before adding the toppings. The addition of a little sprig of dill makes all the difference, enjoy!


Makes around 20-25

Serving 1-2 as a canape or 3 for a light breakfast or snack

Time approx 1 1/2hr


  • 175g Buckwheat flour
  • 2tsp baking powder
  • Pinch salt & pepper 
  • 2 eggs
  • 300ml milk (almond or dairy)
  • Oil for frying


  • 200g smoked salmon
  • 300ml crème fraiche (half fat)
  • Fresh dill to garnish


  1. Sieve the buckwheat flour into a large bowl, add the baking powder, salt & pepper and mix well. Make a well in the middle for the wet ingredients.
  2. In a separate bowl whisk the eggs until aerated and stir in the milk. 
  3. Gradually add the egg & milk mixture to the flour, whisking at the same time.
  4. Heat a little oil in a frying pan on a low heat. Add the batter 1 tbsp at a time to form a small circle. Fry for 3 minutes each side until golden. Set aside on kitchen paper and allow to cool.
  5. Place the blinis on a plate and top with 1 tsp of crème fraiche, a small piece of smoked salmon  and garnish with a piece of the fresh dill.

Buckhwheat blinis

Bean and Lentil Slow Cooked Stew

I made this hearty protein packed bean and lentil stew a few weeks ago while I was doing a batch cooking weekend and thought I would share it with you. I have made it both in a slow cooker and in a pan, it tastes the pretty much the same cooked both ways, but I prefer the thicker texture in the slow cooker. The lentils remain whole and visible in the slow cooker whereas in the pan they can turn mushy if overcooked. This stew is hearty and substantial enough to eat on its own as a main meal.

Bean and lentil stew ingredients

Ingredients – Serves 6

Time approx 6hr Slow Cooker or 1hr 15 in a pan

  • 1 tbl rapeseed oil
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tin of berlotti beans
  • 1 tin of haricot beans
  • 2 tins of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 sticks celery
  • 3 carrots (medium)
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 cup of red lentils
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 2 tbl paprika
  • 2 tbl Harissa
  • 1 tsp chilli (optional)
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 1/2 bag (100g) of chopped curly kale

Slow cooker method:

  1. Turn slow cooker on to high (if using) and allow to heat up
  2. Chop celery, carrots and sweet potato (skins on) into small pieces-approx. bean size
  3. Rinse the lentils thoroughly
  4. Add beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, lentils and hot water to the slow cooker
  5. Chop the onion and garlic and gently fry in heated rapeseed oil for approx. 5 min, add the dry spices and stir in for approx. 1 minute, until you can smell the spices
  6. Cook on high for 1 hour then a further 5.5hrs on low. Keep an eye out for it drying out and add a little more water if necessary
  7.  Add the kale and cook for a further 30 min until the lentils are soft enough to chew easily

Pan method:

  1. Prepare all the vegetables and ingredients as for slow cooker method
  2. Gently fry the onion, garlic then spices, add to a large pan
  3. Add hot water and the rest of the ingredients, bring to a simmer and stir occasionally for approx. 40 minutes until the lentils have cooked