The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

Sugar Free Chia Breakfast Pudding


(AKA Shrek Brek)

Deceptively filling breakfast pot, with protein, fibre, antioxidants and omega 3..these tiny little seeds really do pack a nutritional punch.

We use a mix of white and black chia seeds..that is purely a personal aesthetic thing as I don’t find the grey pudding that all black seed creates all that appealing.

You could easily make up the whole breakfast pudding the night before for a grab and go breakfast..but… these little seeds will soak up liquid with an exponential thirst, meaning that you will need to add more liquid before eating to loosen up the mix.

On detox retreat I like to up the nutritional density of these breakfast pots and so I add a small handful of fresh baby spinach…hence the nick name Shrek Brek.

Shrek Brek chia-seed-2

Serves 2
  • 1/4 Cup Black Chia Seeds
  • 1/2 Cup White Chia Seeds
  • 2 Cup Coconut Water
  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 2 tbsp Organic Soy Yoghurt
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • 20 gms coconut Flakes
  • 10 gms flaked almonds
  • optional 1 small handful baby spinach


Start the night before.

Mix the chia seeds, coconut water and ½ cup still water in a bowl, cover and pop in the fridge over night.

The next morning bring the chia seed mix out and allow to stand at room temperature while you prepare the other ingredients.

In a blender mix the milk , vanilla and yoghurt, and spinach if using then add this blended mix to your chia seed mix and stir thoroughly. You may want or need to add a little extra still water now to get the consistency that you like.

Meanwhile in a dry frying pan gently toast the coconut flakes and almonds.

When ready to serve spoon the chia pudding into a glass and top with a splodge of soy yoghurt and the toasted nuts.

Sweet Potato & Feta Omelette

Omelettes are a great breakfast choice, a perfect healthy start to any day.

Studies have found that eating eggs for breakfast reduces the calorie intake for the rest of the day, the high protein start to the day provides a slow and steady energy release meaning you are less likely to be reaching for sweet starchy snacks mid morning.

This is my favourite omelette as it has two of my favourite additions, sweet potato and feta cheese.

Sweet potato is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals and helps control blood sugar levels as they have a low Glycemic Load.  Feta cheese is a greek cheese usually made from goat or sheep milk and has a bold tangy flavour, which means that a little goes a long way.

Serves 2
  • 4 large free range eggs, beaten
  • 1 medium sweet potato, peeled & grated
  • 1 brown or red onion, finely sliced
  • 1/2 red pepper, finely sliced
  • 50gm feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1 tsp rice bran oil
  • salt and pepper


Sweet Potato & Feta Omelette


Heat the oil in a small shallow frying pan.  Add the onion and gently fry until almost soft.  Add a sprinkle of salt to the onion as this will stop the onion from burning as it draws out the moisture.

Next add the grated sweet potato and red pepper and mix throughly as you gentle allow to soften.  This will take about 1 – 2 minutes. We want to keep a light crunch to the pepper.

Now add the beaten egg mix, making sure to cover all the vegetables.  Cook for 2 – 3 minutes to allow the base to firm.  Now sprinkle the crumbled feta cheese over the omelette, season with freshly ground black pepper and then pop the pan under a medium hot grill to finish cooking for a further 2 – 3 minutes.

What Quitting Sugar Feels Like

What does Quitting Sugar Actually Feel Like?

The evidence is in and I think that by now we all know that eating too much sugar is bad for our health. Beyond the likely hood of increased weight there are also the very real health dangers of diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, how it exacerbates inflammatory conditions , skin conditions, digestive issues . It’s a pretty long and depressing list..

The problem is that sugar is addictive, a pretty controversial statement, as there are many out there who claim that sugar is not addictive, but the evidence shows that sugar acts upon the same centres of brain function as drugs like cocaine.

I am very confident that both from personal experience (a grown woman who went to the shop in her pyjamas to buy crisps and chocolate at midnight!!!) and my years of working here at The Body Retreat that for so many women sugar is very addictive.

The problem is that sugar comes in so many forms, its not just the sweets, chocolate bars, cakes and sweet treats that we need to be mindful off. Sugar is a stealthy character and you can be addicted to it in many forms, bread, ketchup, crisps, pasta, jacket potatoes, baked beans, even smoothies, fruit salad and the humble carrot stick are all forms of sugar that women have admitted struggling to let go.

If you are a sugar addict…you know it!

It just seems like a throw away comment…a sugar addict, like the cookie monster..it’s kind of funny isn’t it?

Being a sugar addict is no laughing matter. It’s a very real and serious health condition. One that requires you to take action or you will find that if you are not already that very soon you begin to experience the negative side effects of this addiction.

So, you may have tried to quit sugar … how was that for you?

I have found it difficult to keep my sugar addiction in check when I’m working from home. My default button for pressure, stress and working to a deadline is to consume sugar. Ii have to work very hard to keep the balance… believe me its tough when for years…. no actually make that decades … I have trained myself that I can punch out a whole lot more work on a mars bar than and apple and nut butter. It can be as much a psychological addiction as a physical addiction.

That it is tough quitting sugar is no real surprise.

We have tracked the stages of sugar withdrawal on our week long sugar detox retreat. Now this does vary from person to person and depends on how long you have been a sugar addict also how much sugar you really are consuming regularly.

Stages of Quitting Sugar

Stage 1. No Difference.

For the first 24 – 48 hours most people feel ok. This is often because at this point the body is able to rely on the energy conserves that the person consumed before they began the retreat.

Stage 2. Withdrawal

Ok… now this is not meant to scare you off, remember that withdrawal is always temporary…it never lasts forever. When you are in the throws of withdrawal you would sell a kidney for cupcake…and that is when most people quit. Withdrawal varies so much from person to person but what we have observed on retreat is that from 24 hr – 3 days its common to experience some or all of the symptoms below:

  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Aching Limbs
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Mood Swings
  • Dry Mouth
  • Stop Pooing !!


Stage 3. Cravings

Now this is an interesting one, We’ve know some women get no craving at all… lucky gals!! But it is normal to begin to experience cravings about day 4. Now this is again very dependant on your relationship with food in general, do you see food and sugar in particular as reward, love, care, treat or even a punishment, distraction. At this point the physiological aspect of your addiction can really take hold.

Stage 4. Feeling Super Sensitive

By the end of 5 or 6 days physically you have started to feel better, having got this far you feel a bit sensitive and concerned about the next steps. How to be vigilant and not trip up. Again is your default function is to eat sugar this can be a vulnerable and challenging time for some.

Stage 5. Tentative Normality

After a couple of weeks you are feeling confident in your ability to keep going, you are still noticing how good you feel without the extra weight, with the balanced energy levels, the better sleep etc etc It is this knowledge and experience that helps to keep your motivation up through the next couple of weeks

Stage 6. Just The Way You Are

By about the one month stage, all the new habits, new experiences, new achievement etc have all stared to merge and mingle and you find that this new way of looking at, choosing and eating food is just what you do.

What Now?

The reality is that quitting sugar can be tough…but the rewards are so worth the effort.  Imagine that ins just a few short days you could be free form a habit that may have had a hold on you for decades.  You could be back in control, with tools and resources and the confidence that you can control sugar in your diet.

I always say that knowledge is power and now you have the knowable of what to expect when you go for it and decide that you are ready to quit sugar.  My advice is to plan in when you are gong to start… don’t start on a Monday… that just means that when the withdrawal symptoms kick in you find yourself in the middle of a busy working week…don’t do it to yourself!!

Instead start on a Wednesday, you know that if you are going to experience withdrawal that it will be over the weekend when you can relax and plan to take things easy and just sit it out.

If you know that you need a helping hand, if you need to get away from your current environment and into an environment away from temptations and distractions, if you need the help of team of experts with a track record of helping women to navigate the stages of sugar withdrawal, to have a pre and post plan to make sure that you get the best result possible then you need to come and join us at Sugar Detox Retreat.

Contact Us Now and claim £150 discount on any of our Sugar Detox Retreats this year.

You Should Be Planning Your Spring Clean Detox Now

Spring cleaning is often a term that applies to the big house clean we like to do around this time of year, but the technique can also be so easily applied to spring cleaning our own bodies.

Traditionally this is the time of year when my thoughts turn to spring cleaning.  Its a time to get rid of the heavy feeling of winter, clear away the cobwebs and prepare for the hope of warmer weather… that will show its face (eventually!!)

I love a good spring clean, it feels so good to clean out from top to bottom, you feel in control, and really quite virtuous. In fact I just spent the weekend spring cleaning my office in preparation for the new year.

Over the winter months you may have started to hibernate, stocked up on heavy rich foods, indulged in a little more treats than usual.  Winter may literally be weighing you down.  Don’t wait until its summer time and you find yourself “suddenly” faced with an uphill struggle to regain your body, health and fitness.. Act Now and you will breeze thorough spring


The body already is detoxing all the time, it has to.

Your inbuilt cleaning system is dealing with toxins every day.

Toxins are everywhere, our bodies are bombarded by them, in the air you breath, the food and drink you consume the products you use around the home and even on your body.

Under natural circumstances, the body is able to eliminate many of these toxic substances, however if your system is out of balance then the bodies ability to do this can become compromised.

Signs You Need to Detox Now:

  • Dry, botchy skin
  • Outbreaks of spots
  • Headaches
  • Fungal infections
  • IBS symptoms (eg bloating, constipation, flatulence)
  • Lack of energy, but poor quality sleep at night
  • General feeling of heaviness
  • Super cravings for sugar or carbs
  • Super strong cravings for sugar or carbs

How to Detox Safely

Detoxing is safe, effective way of supporting your bodes ability to heal itself.

But… and there is a big BUT… we are not advocating quick fix juice only detox plans, those which suggest you eat nothing at all, but drink juices. In our opinion this is not a way to support your system and can actually decrease your energy levels.  Any detox plan you choose to follow should not be too low in calories, it should be nutrient rich and have a varied meal plan.

Detoxing is a way of giving your body a new start. A safe detox combined with a gentle exercise programme and tools to support a positive attitude towards life gives a fabulous boost to everyone.

At The Body Retreat our Sugar Detox Retreat is designed to provide the tools, resources and environment to make detoxing not only, simple and safe but also a real pleasure.

Our Detox Programme incorporates healthy nutritious but light meals. The purpose of the plan is to reduce the load on your digestive system while at the same time flood your system with enzymes, vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible form. While at the same time its an opportunity to rid yourself of the sugar habit you may have been struggling with, whether that be bread, soft drinks, wine, ketchup or even fruit.

When you are detoxing you do not want to redirect your bodies energy into high intensity exercise, that just makes you feel wrung out but increasing your activity levels will support the detox process as well as provide you with a mental lift.  So it is a great time to explore low intensity exercise, Pilates, yoga, nordic walking, swimming are all great options.

The body detox is only half of the equation.  This is also a fantastic opportunity to detox your mind, to lose the internal negative chatter or toxic emotions that may be keeping you stuck in situations that are not healthy for you.

On our Sugar Detox Retreat we use NLP along with relaxation techniques and guided visualisations to help overcome any mental obstacles that may have held you back in the past and help you to refocus on new positive goals.

When body and mind are detoxed you feel lighter, brighter, clearer ad re-energised ready to embrace life. At our Sugar Detox Retreat there is the added benefit of around 6lbs weight loss which gives a great confidence boost as you start to look forward to first signs of spring and the opportunity to shed your winter layers.

Want to try a detox plan at home?

Top Tips  For Spring Clean Detox.

  • It will come as no surprise that increasing your water intake is No1 on the list.  Aim to drink at least 1.5 litres per day
  • Start your day with the juice of half a lemon with hot water to give your liver a boost.
  • Get into the habit of dry skin brushing daily, it will take a bit of time to begin with but you will soon find a rhythm and you will be amazed at the difference in your skin tone.
  • Cut out Caffeine, Dairy, Meat, Carbs from your diet.  Your meal plans should be 80% veggie based, go organic and local where possible.
  • Go Green… green veggies are packed with  chlorophyll helps flush out environmental toxins.
  • Garlic in almost everything, it activates liver enzymes that help filter out wastes. Counteract the garlic by eating lost of parsley, which also happens to be a great detoxifier 😉
  • Keep the good fats in, Avocado, rapeseed oil, seeds and nuts all in small quantities
  • Get into the fresh air for at least 15 mins every day and breath fully and deeply
  • Spend at least 5 mins every day in quite contemplation or practice mindfulness
  • Get your hands on The Detox Plan by Jane Alexander, this great book will take you through a weekend or month long safe detox programme


Get Back On Track 3 Day Plan

If you have a few pounds to shed after the  excesses of the festive season then don’t panic, it really only takes a few days to get back on track.

Our Get Back on Track 3 Day Plan is designed to help you to over come those sugar and carb induced cravings that lead you to want more and more sugar and carbs, it will balance your blood sugar levels meaning your energy levels will stabilise and you will loose the bloat and an inch or two from your tummy.

If you have really over indulged over the festive period then you might find that you do feel a little hungry on day one of this plan, but the key to be consistent with the timing of your meals and to keep your water levels up.  that way by day 2 or 3 you will have gone over the hunger hump and be feeling great again.

This plan is not devised to be followed long term, it really is a short kick start.



The Rules for the Three Days.


  • NO added sugar for three days
  • NO added salt to cooking or any meal
  • NO salad dressing apart from freshly squeezed lemon juice and black pepper
  • No Fruit other than the apple and avocado
  • Start each morning with a mug of hot water with the juice of 1 lemon.
  • Unlimited salad veggies but no prepared salad, coleslaw or beetroot etc
  • Keep starchy veg to a minimum at night (carrots, parsnips etc)
  • Choose mainly green veg and salad items, eg spinach, celery, cabbage, spring onion, cucumber, peas, broad beans, broccoli, cauliflower, courgette etc
  • You Must eat every 3 to 4 hours
  • Nut Butter should be 100% whole nut, with no added oil, sugar or salt etc
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water through the day.
  • Only herbal teas for rest of day
  • No carbonated drinks, no diet drinks.
  • 8 Min HiiT workout Every morning before Breakfast.
  • Walk for at least 30 mins every day to a rate where you can not hold a conversation


Let me know how you get on if you follow the Get Back on Track 3 day plan, I’d love to have your feedback.

If you know anyone who might find our 3 Day Plan useful then why not share using the social media buttons