The Body Retreat

The Body Retreat

Women Only Weight Loss & Wellbeing Retreats

The Real Sugar Free Farm !

Have you decided that its time to tackle your sugar consumption?

There has been so much in the media recently about going Sugar Free.  Books, apps, online programmes and now even a prime time TV show on ITV Sugar Free Farm.

Too often the headlines are misleading, Sugar Free…what is that exactly?

Read some books and its quitting white processed sugar, the stuff you put in your tea or coffee; others tell you it’s fructose we must avoid, then there is the HFCS or High Fructose Cron Syrup which is found in many processed foods and what about artificial sweeteners they must be ok right? We haven’t even begun to list all the forms sugar is available to us.

If you have been watching the recent TV show then you may be even more confused as their Sugar Free Farm removed fresh fruit but allowed tomatoes (technically a fruit), starchy veg like beetroot, carrots as well as plenty of whole grains.  Cue Mark and Arge’s midnight bread binge.  There were a lot of mixed messages on Sugar Free Farm.

Heres the main problem with sugar…it is everywhere!!!!

Just because you don’t take sugar in your tea, drink 10 cans of coke or consume a cup full of mistrals every day doesn’t mean that your diet isn’t full of sugar.

There are many ways to be a sugar addict…. bread, pasta, fruit, cereal, milk, cheese, wine, juice, rice, ketchup, ready meals all contain sugar in varying amounts.  Then there is what we call Stealth Sugar, the stuff that pops up in sausages, stock cubes, hummus, coleslaw places where you wouldn’t expect sugar to be.  It’s put in to act as a flavour enhancer. The truth is that its hard to avoid sugar. Read The Confusing Problem With Sugar Here

How do you decide which is the right Sugar Free option for you?

Just like Sugar Free Farm we believe that your best chance of success if to go residential.  This removes all the environmental prompts and drivers that encourage you to eat sugar. You have no distractions or temptations to set you off course.  Unlike Sugar Free Farm we don’t make you undertake back breaking work instead we have a gentle activity programme supported by our onsite private spa where you can ease those aching muscles in the hot tub or sauna or swim a few lengths in the indoor pool. When you reach hump day or crash day …when your sugar withdrawal starts to kick in we have a team of massage and holistic therapists to help you over the hump.

Similar to Sugar Free Farm to retrain the tastebuds, rebalance the hormones and recalibrate the metabolism our detox plan is a total elimination for one week….unlike Sugar Free Farm for us that means no starchy veggies, no grains as well as no fruit.  But don’t worry its not a week of starvation or greens juice.  Quite the opposite

We then send you home with a four week reintroduction plan so that you gradually begin to reintroduce natural sugars back into your diet.

Going Sugar Free

When choosing support for your sugar free lifestyle goals there are a number of factors to help answer this question.

Are you looking for a quick fix or changes for life?

When it comes to quitting sugar there are many opinions on the best way to this.  There two main schools of thoughts are  Cut Back or Cut Out.  Which one is right for you depends on a few factors.

What is your current sugar intake?

Do you know what sugars you are actually consuming?

How much tea, coffee, soft drinks or other stimulants do you use daily?

How are your energy levels?

How are you sleeping?

How active are you every day?

What are your health goals, both short and long term?

Do you have any health concerns that may be related to sugar?

Before anyone books on our Sugar Free Detox Retreat we set up a quick call to make sure that this is the right retreat for them.  We also then provide them with guidance on preparing for detox so that the sugar withdrawal symptoms are limited. Read What it Feels Like to Quit Sugar here

Are you looking to address not only the physical but the psychological & emotional aspects of sugar addiction?

For many women the links between psychological and physical sugar desire are inexplicably linked.  If you are prone to emotional or comfort eating, cravings, binges or have concerns about control over food then you will need to address both these areas to support you in the longer term?

Is food important to you?

For some food is purely fuel, for others it is pleasure.  Very often the two seem to be mutually exclusive, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Do you want to eat real whole foods from sustainable organic sources that truly nourish your body.

Why is The Body Retreat Sugar Detox different ?

While we do run Sugar Detox retreats we don’t advocate a focus on quick fix or becoming obsessive over sugar. We make it easier to have a balanced relationship with sugar that will last your whole life.

The journey to health and wellbeing should be a pleasure not a chore, if its aggressive, austere, complicated, or just too hard then it is not suitable for the long term.  So The Body Retreat is about balance not quick fix, it’s about respecting and protecting your body and health for life.

Can a week on retreat really change your life? 

We believe it can and we have 5 years experience and hundreds of success stories of women whom we have helped to lose the fear of food, find the strength to reclaim their health and to achieve the body and fitness they both want and deserve.  But more importantly our Sugar Detox retreats are designed to promote sustainable lifestyle changes and so avoid the rebound effect post retreat.

If you would like to read more about what a week is like on our Sugar Free Farm then Click Here to read an independent review on Healthista

So when it comes to making the investment of both time and money in choosing a Sugar Detox programme take the time to find the answers you need.

Sugar Detox Retreats include:

  • Pre course advice, consultation and health questionnaire
  • Kit list
  • Personal health assessment on arrival and departure
  • 4 week sugar detox at home plan, plus reintroduction plan
  • Welcome pack and Goody Bag including t-shirt and Mio toiletries
  • Ensuite accommodation with power shower or bath
  • Luxury bedding, bath robes and towels
  • All meals and snacks and drinks prepared to your dietary requirements
  • Between 4 – 5 hours activities per day
  • Behaviour and hypnotherapy workshops
  • Nutrition, cookery or food workshop
  • Complimentary body treatments (more can be booked & cost from £60)
  • Access to expert optional 1-2-1 Hypnotherapy Consultations (£90 for one hour)

Call today and get £200 discount off our Sugar Detox Retreats in  Somerset if you quote SDR24  when calling  0203 701 1603


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