Our afternoon snack at the body retreat regularly includes nut butter. This weeks recipe is 3 simple ways to enjoy nut butter to make a satisfying and fulfilling snack. These can all be made in a hurry and a great boost if you’re feeling low energy.

Nut butters are a high source of protein, fibre and fats. There are now a whole range of nut butters available aside from peanut butter, almond and cashew are more regularly available as well as hazelnut and seed butters in specialist shops. Try and buy organic nut butter or make check the ingredients for no added sugar or hidden ingredients.
There are lots ways to enjoy nut butter, use instead of hummus with crudites, mix with soy sauce and rice wine vinegar to make a satay or my favourite on oat cakes with yeast extract spread. We love to use it in our recipes at the body retreat, it’s delicious in vegan biscuits, smoothies and bircher muesli.
Serves 1
1 tbsp nut butter
1/2 apple (cut into slices) / 2 oat cakes / 1 stick celery
Sweet crisp apple Delicious on oatcakes Fresh crunchy celery
Just spread the nut butter on the celery/apple/oat cakes and enjoy!
There’s lots of different ways to eat nut butters, not just on toast! What is your favourite?

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